What else do you need to actually see that Meryl Streep is the GREATEST actress who has ever lived?
I mean, come on people! Wake up!! Since 1983 she hasn’t won any Oscar. You actually think she does not deserve it? Open your eyes!!!!
Okay, this ‘blindness’ could be related to the fact that they’ve been giving Oscars to young, fresh and experience-less actresses… do you think that is the proper way to encourage them? No way. You’re so wrong on this one!
Okay, Kate Winslet, for example. (No ofense!) She was actually great in ‘The Reader’. She’s a terrific actress and has quite a long career ahead. But let’s focus on Meryl now, as the strict, courageous, unstoppable nun in ‘Doubt’. Just think about it for one second, and you’ll see you’re completely wrong. She deserved it so damn much!
And now, just yesterday, Sandy Bullock walked away from the Kodak Theatre, holding her Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role in ‘The Blind Side’.
Don’t get me wrong, please, don’t. I like Sandy, she’s hilarious…and I really enjoyed her speech. But, please Academy…guys, Meryl Streep deserves her 3rd Oscar. She does! I’m not talking non-sense here.
If you want to keep giving Oscars to new faces in this industry, please, be my guests. It’s a great job you’re doing, really. But, just give the world its treat…and give Mary Louise Streep her 3rd Oscar! –Which she deserves since 1983.
I mean, come on people! Wake up!! Since 1983 she hasn’t won any Oscar. You actually think she does not deserve it? Open your eyes!!!!
Okay, this ‘blindness’ could be related to the fact that they’ve been giving Oscars to young, fresh and experience-less actresses… do you think that is the proper way to encourage them? No way. You’re so wrong on this one!
Okay, Kate Winslet, for example. (No ofense!) She was actually great in ‘The Reader’. She’s a terrific actress and has quite a long career ahead. But let’s focus on Meryl now, as the strict, courageous, unstoppable nun in ‘Doubt’. Just think about it for one second, and you’ll see you’re completely wrong. She deserved it so damn much!
And now, just yesterday, Sandy Bullock walked away from the Kodak Theatre, holding her Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role in ‘The Blind Side’.
Don’t get me wrong, please, don’t. I like Sandy, she’s hilarious…and I really enjoyed her speech. But, please Academy…guys, Meryl Streep deserves her 3rd Oscar. She does! I’m not talking non-sense here.
If you want to keep giving Oscars to new faces in this industry, please, be my guests. It’s a great job you’re doing, really. But, just give the world its treat…and give Mary Louise Streep her 3rd Oscar! –Which she deserves since 1983.
Okay, I was quite pissed yesterday when i wrote this. But i still feel the same. Sorry!