lunes, enero 04, 2010


So...2010 has finally arrived. I went to my beach house with my family for New Year's eve. We had a great time, thank you.
But since last Wednesday I've been feeling kind of sad about all of this. I mean, 2009 finishing, 2010 starting...It's like too much for me.
Okay, last year -by this I mean 2009, and I explain it because this way I get use to it- was such a terrible one. People I love have died or turned their faces away for no reason -that seems to me.
Academicly it wasn't that bad though. But that wasn't enough. I keep thinking about those people I've lost and illness, and loneliness...
I can't understand why bad things happen to good people. Like my grandpa, just to give an example. A hard worker healthy man who was diagnosed stomach cancer a few months ago. He had surgery inmediatly, but now it seems like a sort of tumour remains near the liver or something. And he has to go all the way through chemo now.
My other grandpa died from something similar, not cancer, but a brain tumour. And it took him by surprise...
I don't want to get use to the idea that these kind of things happen to good people, but I'm kinda being forced to here. I mean, I live in Argentina, we've got this crappy government, politicians doing nothing for all of us. Our president just spends her time travelling and buying expensive stuff -with pur money, of course.
And people are killed everyday. Murdered. Kidnapped. Robbed.
Yesterday I was having this really nice conversation with my sister, who is almost 18 years old. I was about to polish my nails and I took my nail file, the one with the USA flag on it. She sang a song written by Ricardo Arjona which goes 'The stripes and stars are now owning my flag...' or something like that. And I got all deffensive and told her that, to me, that was a way out.
Colonialism has been dead since, I don't know...Cold War? Let's say Cold War. But we now need something/someone to help us out of this... And yeah, I know it is our responsability because we've voted and blah blah blah. But this woman, our so called president, is cheating on us since day one.
Okay, how did I get to this point? Oh, grandpa's cancer, right?
Oh well, if I have to analize last year...was shit. Pure shit.
I guess just a few things/people helped me through it. My family being #1, of course. Then there's my best friend, like a sister to me. The Meryl Streep forum... OMG, almost everybody understand me there. They do. They feel what I feel. We share things and we talk our problems out. And last, but not least, Meryl Streep herself. She doesn't know me, I'm well aware of that, thank you. But she gives me such strength, such hope.
Don't you admire someone for what she/he does and feel like 'yeah, that's good, she/he is a role model'?. I mean, not just Meryl Streep. Look at Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon, Angelina Jolie...many many people trying to make a better place for all of us. And even if they do not give to charity or participate in organisations; maybe they've changed your life by doing what they do. Maybe they've sung a song and you you realized you had some things to change in your life.

Oh, it's raining here. So, that's all for today... Happy New Year everyone :) Let's make it better this time.

3 comentarios:

  1. Babbs...La verdad siento como si lo hubiera escrito yo!!!...Mi querida abuela casi mi segunda mama,fallecio de cancer de pancreas en 2006. Terriblemente doloroso,aun sin poder cerrar la herida. La verdad a veces digo: ¿es necesario llevarse a las personas bunas,que hacen bien a la vida y a la comunidad? y me responden: ¡es la ley de la vida y bla bla!...No me cierra.
    En cuanto al gobierno...sin palabras...por suerte el año que viene otra vez votaciones,veremos si podemos cambiar!!!!ESPERO!!! Pero digo: -No te quejes!!! para que la votaste???!!! Aguantatela ahora!!!
    todo para que se compre como vos decis, sus pañuelos de Hermés, sus Tiffany & Co, Louis Vouiton,y no escribo mas porque bueno me va a llevar toda la noche!!!!
    Meryl,es un claro ejemplo a seguir!!! Doy gracias a Dios porque la descurbri,hace solo un año...pero siento como si la conociera de toda la vida. Es increible,escucho su voz,miro una foto o una de sus peliculas y me siento renovada...llena de energias,esperanzas,y fuerzas. Porque el camino es DURO!!! Con tropezones y choques...
    Yo le debo todo ese cambio positivo a MEZ,por eso dije que voy a ser hasta lo imposible por conocerla personalmente,creo que lo merezco,al igual que vos. Tal vez el destino quiera que la conozca ahora,el año que viene,dentro de 10 años, o nunca!!!Porque uno nunca sabe...pero rezo todas las noches y pido porque ese sueño se haga realidad,que se me de la oportunidad de conocer a mi segundo angel, si abuela es mi angel numero uno.
    Bueno Babbs...puedo seguir tada la noche hablando,pero bueno, ya es tarde y mañana debo ir a la oficina de mamá a ayudarle.
    La verdad muy cierto todo lo que decis...y acordate,que detras de tu pantalla hay alguien que te puede ayudar. Me escribis un mail y listo!!! Porque las posteadas en las Face Walls no son muy privadas que digamos...jeje
    Bueno sister,espero que andes bien, y arriba ese animo!!!

  2. me mataste mataste♥
    Te quiero!

  3. hello(: I'm a meryl streep fan too. ( and I understand u completely. First, all you said about our president, about her plans and all that, you re so wright!... all she says sucks really. When is she going to stop lying to all of us?? I hate her as much as u do..
    And secondly, I really get your point when u talk about being alone...I've experienced that and all I can say is that you must try to get through this, grow apart y try to be strong. Everything has a solution, and I've proved that really. Don't give up, there so much aver there to enjoy..I discovered it by myself and for me life has changed completely.
    And what you say about Meryl is sooo true!!! She helps us, she gives us hope and strenth. She has been my best friend and my companion so many hard days!! She is the one that cheers me up and makes me smile :D
    She is great and more than an actress or an ordinary woman, she is MERYL STREEP, my angel Meryl♥


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